Of Cooke County, by Cooke County, for Cooke County
VISTO (Volunteers In Service To Others) was created in 1980 in collaboration with the Ministerial Alliance with the mission "to help people in times of crisis and enable them to get back on their feet." This is still our mission today. The primary way that we respond to that mandate is through food, financial assistance, and education.
We are committed to reducing hunger and defending human dignity. VISTO impacts our community by nurturing children, youth, and families; addressing basic and emergency needs; fostering independence and self-sufficiency; and promoting health, healing and coping.
Our long-term goals is to have clients who eat healthier, develop stronger support systems, become actively engaged in their community and are able to reduce their reliance on government agencies and charity.
VISTO is funded through the generous support of private citizens, area churches and schools, local business', and The Cooke County United Way.
VISTO does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religious preference, or disability in its programs, services or activities.
VISTO has a voluntary Board of Directors, four paid staff members, and an army of amazing volunteers.
VISTO embodies the philosophy of... offering a hand up not just a hand out.